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National Breast Cancer Lymphedema Registry


Patient information is essential to research that will reduce the risk of lymphedema from cancer treatment and improve lymphoma treatment. The National Breast Cancer Lymphedema Registry is an important part of this process.

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, please sign up for the registry today:

  • It is not necessary to wait for cancer treatment to be completed, or for symptoms of lymphedema to develop.
  • There is no cost and registering only takes a few minutes of your time.
  • You will have to provide some personal information, but Stanford has ensured that your information will be protected and kept secure.

The registry for this study is housed at Stanford University under the supervision of Dr. Stanley G, Rockson. Dr. Rockson is one of the leading experts on lymphedema research and treatment.

This registry contains information about individuals who might be at risk of developing lymphedema (arm swelling) because of surgical lymph node removal and/or radiation therapy. The registry database contains only health information that does not identify, or provide a reasonable basis to identify, any individual patient.

Stanford takes patient privacy and compliance with all applicable laws very seriously. They have extensive organizational safeguards for human subject research that apply to the lymphedema registry. These safeguards include the Institutional Review Board (IRB), a federally mandated panel charged with overseeing the protection of human participants in research, and the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP). For more information see http://researchcompliance.stanford.edu/hs/index.html


If you have any questions about the registry, please see the contact information by clicking on this webpage https://breastcancer-lymphedema.stanford.edu/contact

Got a question or comment? Post in the 'Are You at Risk for Lymphedema?' forum.
Category: Are You at Risk for Lymphedema? Updated: 2012-10-05


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