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Click to read "I love my Caregivers" by Wanda

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“This book is very well organized and thought out, providing enough detail, explanation, and practical insight to enable someone with lymphedema to live safely and well. I definitely recommend it to anyone with, or at risk for, lymphedema.” —John Giusto, MD


Lymphedema is swelling caused by the abnormal accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the skin. Lymphedema can be:

  • Caused by burns, injury, surgery, radiation therapy, or cancer treatment. Cancer survivors have, or risk developing, lymphedema, especially those with breast- or prostate-cancer.
  • Hereditary and can appear, without warning, at any time of life.
  • Related to obesity, circulatory problems, or other conditions.


If not treated, lymphedema can be painful and lead to life-threatening infections. If you have lymphedema, or are at risk of developing it, you need to know the warning signs of a lymphedema emergency as explained in Chapter 6. Although there is no cure for lymphedema, there are effective treatments, see Chapters 3 and 4.


This book will help you live well with lymphedema through treatment, self-massage, exercise, self-management, tips for daily living, and ideas for having fun. It will help you understand how the lymphatic system works, how lymphedema is diagnosed, how to cope with the emotional challenges of lymphedema, how to find treatment, and how to deal with insurance issues.


Living Well With Lymphedema is for those with, or at risk for, developing lymphedema, and the healthcare professionals, friends, and family who care for them.


Book shelf categories: Health/Diseases/Lymphedema, Cancer Survivors, Medical/Internal Medicine, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Massage Therapy


Get your copy now! Buy now in paperback from Amazon.com, Amazon Canada, Amazon UK, or Barnes and Noble (ISBN 978-0-9764806-1-7) or see Ordering Information for other options.

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Publication: Living Well With Lymphedema
Updated: 2017-01-02


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