Corrections and Clarifications
Errata for the Lymphedema and Lipedema Nutrition Guide first edition
Please note the following corrections (page numbers refer to the paper book):
- Preface page 4 paragraph 6, last line: "maintaining healthy organic diet." should be "maintaining a healthy organic diet."
- Preface page 5, paragraph 5, last line: "but it would come back with a few weeks, once going back to regular eating." should read "but it would come back within a few weeks of going back to regular eating."
- Preface page 6, first line: "small chain" should be "medium-chain" fatty acids.
- Introduction page 9, last paragraph, first line: "Previously thinking" should be "Previous thinking"
- Introduction page 10, last paragraph: "Errataandlessonslearned" should be "Errata and lessons learned"
- Chapter 2 page 26 under "Eating to Starve Chyle Volume" the bullet list should be two lists, the third bullet item should be the start of a new list "Starve chyle volume by...".
- Chapter 2 page 51 replace "SLD, MLD" with "Lymphatic drainage (either SLD or MLD)".
- Chapter 3 page 62 replace the list of dried fruits with “apricots, blueberries, cherries (sour/tart), cranberries, currants, figs, prunes, raisins, etc.”
- Chapter 6 page 103 re: flavonoid supplements: Since different flavonoid supplements have different effects, try rotating different types of flavonoids on a weekly basis (changing on the weekend).
Once a month, try having a ‘wash out day’ without supplements. Note: this does not apply to prescription medications, continue to take those as directed.
- Chapter 6 page 103-105 re: additional supplements: Since these additional supplements address different issues, rotating them is not recommended.
- Chapter 9 page 171, in the Winter Squash Medley delete the phase “(reduced sugar)” following cranberries. See Why ‘reduced sugar’ cranberries are out.
- Chapter 9 page 186 bullet 7 starting with “Dried fruits” delete the phase “(reduced sugar)” following cranberries.
- Appendix A page 239 Fish are eat "Limited" not eat "Primarily."
- Appendix A page 239 in the "Which Fish?" sidebar, bullet item four, remove the word "eat" leaving "Avoid fish that...".
- Appendix A Shopping Guide page 243 under Dried fruits: insert “(sour/tart)” after cherries and delete the phrase “(reduced sugar)” following cranberries.
- Appendix B Ingredients to Avoid page 248, change Ingredient “Corn Syrup” to “Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup Solids”.
- Appendix B Ingredients to Avoid page 248, delete the line for Ingredient “Edamame”.
- Appendix B Ingredients to Avoid page 250 below Sodium Sulfite insert a new Ingredient “Soluble Corn Fiber” with Reason “Additive”.
- Coffee and tea are on both the Eat Primarily and Eat Rarely or Never lists: both coffee and tea contain compounds that provide health benefits; however we recommend minimizing sweetened coffee and tea-based drinks due to concerns about sweeteners and other drink ingredients.
- Soy is also on both the Eat Primarily and Eat Rarely or Never lists: unprocessed organic soy and fermented soy based foods are recommended while processed soy products should be avoided.
- Chapter 2 under Gut Dysbiosis and Endotoxins: New research shows endotoxins also impair lymphatic system function by slowing lymphatic vessel pumping action and reducing or stopping the flow of lymph. See Sugar Fuels Lymphedema.
- Appendix E: Resources under Websites and Organizations add:
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